–SCDCFC was founded with two specific goals in mind: to bring all Dallas Cowboys Fans in California together as one grand, diverse family and to be a positive reflection of Dallas Cowboys fans all over the world. In an effort to protect Southern California Dallas Cowboys fan club– SCDCFC was registered as a 501(c) 7 non-profit organization with the State of California. The registration of SCDCFC will provide the following benefits: accountability with members and government, official recognition in business affairs, name and logo use protection, installation of a board for a distribution of power/responsibilities/diverse-well thought out decisions, incentives for sponsors, and the installation of bylaws with the purpose of protecting SCDCFC and its members for the foreseeable future. The potential that SCDCFC –SCDCFC is limitless, proper bylaws will help guide SCDCFC well into the future while focusing on what is best for membership, conflict resolution, and maintaining the SCDCFC mission. The following bylaws are a listing of guidelines that will shape the course of SCDCFC’s future:
Name/Logo Use: the expressed use of SCDCFC– is specifically for the benefit of group members through promotional, marketing, or fund raising activities. Personal gain does not justify name/logo use. Approval of name/logo use must come from approved documentation (physical or digital) from either SCDCFC president, vice president, or treasurer. SCDCFC officers may not grant approval before notifying the board of directors first. The approval process consists of verifying if the name/logo use will benefit group members or raise funds for SCDCFC.
Advertising/Solicitation: personal or business entities may advertise or solicit on SCDCFC communication mediums (i.e.: Facebook, twitter) with the understanding that advertisement/solicitation to members will come at a benefit to members or the overall group. Some examples include but are not limited to a straight discount to SCDCFC members, raffle contributions, or vendor partnerships (decided by the soliciting party). SCDCFC encourages business dealings that are both profitable to the selling party and beneficial to group members, SCDCFC is always seeking productive business partnerships. Interested selling parties may contact any SCDCFC board member for information.
Use of funds: funds raised through all group measures (fund raisers, sale of products, donations, etc.) are for the exclusive use of the club. No funds shall be used to pay a board member, second tier member, or volunteer for their position. If members, at any level, provide a service for SCDCFC (i.e.: DJ, painting, etc.) then the member will be reasonably compensated. Volunteering of services is preferred because it benefits SCDCFC and its members and frees up funds for use on player procurement, SCDCFC equipment, and event costs. Current plaque carrying members are entitled to review of funds, financial information will be made available by current SCDCFC treasurer in a monthly digital newsletter starting May 2013.
Respectful Behavior: SCDCFC aims to attract a diverse group of Dallas Cowboys fans, all with the same passion for the Dallas Cowboys. The continued growth of SCDCFC will create a member reflection of American society and American demographics, it is important to respect all Dallas Cowboys fans regardless of their gender, race, religion, heritage, or sexual orientation. Please avoid profanity in your interactions, please refrain from racist/and or sexist comments, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. All Dallas Cowboys fans should feel safe in a family friendly environment where they can support the Dallas Cowboys, SCDCFC will always foster a family friendly atmosphere on-line and in person.
Admins: the 2013 board of Admins were selected based on the 2012 in-season contributions made over the course of the complete season. All members of the board of admins are subject to scrutiny of their effort, contributions, productivity, professionalism, adherence to bylaws, and ability. A board of admins position is to be earned, not given, therefore future consideration for the board of admins will be gained through merit. A yearly board of admins vote will be facilitated after each season’s Super Bowl, before the next year’s draft. Eligible board candidates must be a coordinator with responsibility or an existing admin member. Simply put, no one can walk in without having demonstrated a body of work and be voted in. Eligible voters for the board of directors are active plaque holders who support the SCDCFC mission and goals, without displaying divisive behavior or a conflict of interest outlined by the SCDCFC- code of conduct. The structure of the board is fluid and can increase or decrease based on need.
Admins Code of Conduct: since the admins are a direct reflection of SCDCFC , a admin must be held to a higher standard. The following code of conduct is to be observed by all board members:
-actions and decisions made for SCDCFC must be made in an effort to benefit the group membership
-actions on line and physically must be made with the consideration of being a positive reflection of Dallas Cowboys fans in accordance with societal/legal norms
-fellow Dallas Cowboys fans will not be publicly attacked by any board member
-contribution and involvement must be consistent, unless a leave has been granted by a majority board vote.
Admins will receive a warning if a rules violation has occurred, the second violation will result in the removal from the board of directors; board member violation of code of conduct will be determined by the president of the board, with the support of at least two board members. If a board member is found to have violated the code of conduct, the president of the board will present the rest of the board with a majority vote for removal from the board.
Volunteers: any Dallas Cowboys fan that wants to help SCDCFC out, but does not have a prolonged responsibility and can leave without obligations.
Conflict of Interest: activities meant to harm the reputation of SCDCFC , activities suppressing the membership of SCDCFC, or activities in conflict with the mission and goals of SCDCFC.
Decision Making: the daily operation SCDCFC – SCDCFC will be executed through the membership of the board of directors, coordinators, and volunteers. Major decisions, usually including those involving policy, structure, and coordinator membership will be facilitated through a majority vote (50% plus one) of the board of directors. Board of directors not able to attend meetings, whether physically or electronically must assign a proxy vote to another board member through physical or digital documentation.
Majority Vote: 50% plus one.
Plaque Membership Benefits: becoming a member of SCDCFC – is as simple as joining any of the social network outlets or physically joining in “meet ups” and other official club activity. The purchase of membership plaques is completely optional and not required, but does come with additional benefits. Benefits include but are not limited to; discounts on SCDCFC merchandise, discounts on official group event packages, implemented plaque recruitment links, 16 in-season unique event collection sticker slots, unique membership ID, plaque ownership period marker, access to group decision making surveys, first notice on future products, direct e-mail of monthly newsletter, and voting privileges for board membership (beginning at 2013 NFL season end).
Active Membership: those members attending 50% plus one or more official SCDCFC events.
This webpage is a copyright of SCDCFC.
“This website is maintained by our internal SCDCFC Website Team, fans creating & contributing for other fans!”